Zen Frenz Blog — pet
The Best Dog Beds!
dog community dogs meditation pet pet wellness zen zen frenz

Here at Zen Frenz we are all about getting zen and nothing is more important than sleep. Sleep is an important part of a puppy’s life because most growth occurs during this time. Also, a well-rested puppy is a healthy puppy. You want to make sure that your puppy is comfortable and has a bed to call his own. There are many different pet beds from which to choose. Most beds involve a soft cushion for a base and then may be open or enclosed with a long, thin stretch of pillow called a bolster. The cushion could also be...
10 Most Popular Dog Breeds!
dog dog breeds dog community dogs exercise pet pet talk zen frenz

Are you thinking about getting a dog but don’t know which kind? There are so many different breeds to choose from and it is hard to know if you made the perfect choice. Knowing the characteristics of dogs and what you might get yourself into is so important before getting a doggy of your own! Here are the most popular breeds of dogs: Labrador Retrievers Labrador retrievers are great dogs that live up to 12-12.5 years! They are outgoing and very friendly. They are big dogs however and can get up to 55-80 pounds! If you love big dogs, this...
6 Cool Dog Breeds You May Not Know
dog breed dog breeds dog talk dogs fun facts pet pet talk

With so many different dog breeds (339 officially recognized by the FCI to be exact), the chances that you have not heard of all of them are extremely high. You are bound to run into some really cool dog breeds while you are out and about walking around the neighborhood, park, beach or nature trails. Most dogs are objectively cute but the dogs on this list also have some special qualities that make them extra cool. It is also important to note that deciding this list was quite challenging and this list is by no means exhaustive. Afghan HoundThis...
Five Different Ways to Get ~Zen~
cats cbd cbd for pets cbd oil for dogs cbd oil for pets dog dogs events pet pet wellness tips zen zen frenz

Whether we like to admit it or not, almost everyone feels stress in their everyday lives. While it may be easy to ignore, pretending the stress isn’t there can result in a multitude of issues. By accepting the value of eliminating stress from our lives, we can become far more ~zen~ and lead happier and healthier lives. If you are looking to take some steps to relieve stress in your life, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some helpful tips we’ve found useful in leading a zen lifestyle. Get outside/go on a walk No matter how much you...
Pet CBD Drops
cbd cbd for pets cbd oil for dogs cbd oil for pets dog dogs pet pet wellness tips zen zen frenz

New to the world of pet CBD products? Curious if your pet would benefit from them? Have you seen pet CBD drops and wondered what they are used for or do? We are hoping to answer all of these questions and more for you, keep reading! What are pet CBD drops? Pet CBD drops are a liquid form of CBD and CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol. Before preceding, you should know that CBD is non-psychoactive and therefore can not get you or your pet high. Pet CBD drops are a pet wellness supplement that many pet owners have...