Zen Frenz Blog — dog talk
Fourth of July Dangers and Gameplan
activities do's and don'ts dog dog talk events with pets tips zen frenz

In modern-day America, the Fourth of July is a wonderful time to enjoy a long weekend chock-full of burgers and hot dogs on the grill, sunshine, music, fireworks, bonfires, friends, and family. Of course, these are all fantastic and also grant us much needed rest and relaxation from the mental stresses of daily, routine life. However, all this excitement often leaves pets neglected who suffer the most from this holiday. The noise and unpredictability of fireworks leads many dogs to perceive them as a threat. Your dog may bark at the noises or try to run away and hide. They...
Pet Podcasts To Listen To
cat talk dog talk pet podcast podcast podcast show

Zen Frenz The podcast is hosted by Zen Frenz founder Alex Gray and each week he invites a pet owner/pet Instagram account to come on the show and interviews them on their experience as a pet owner. For example, the first episode featured Emily McCormick, the owner of two huskies, Halo and Khaleesi from Bad Axe, Michigan. The podcast is especially enticing because the stories are so diverse. Some episodes make you want to cry as you hear about the awful conditions in which pet owners found their pets, while others highlight hilarious times spent with their pups. Also, you...
Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat
dog food dog foods dog talk dog training dog treats dogs faq fun facts pet talk pet training pet wellness tips training tips

Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat You are probably familiar with some foods that your dog can and can not eat, but you may be extremely surprised by some items that are toxic/not toxic for dogs. In the previous blog we went over a long but not comprehensive list of foods that are safe for your pups to eat. Now we will do the opposite and make a list of foods that are not safe for dogs to consume. Make sure to keep reading because a lot of these might surprise you! 1. Grapes and Raisins Grapes and raisins...
6 Cool Dog Breeds You May Not Know
dog breed dog breeds dog talk dogs fun facts pet pet talk

With so many different dog breeds (339 officially recognized by the FCI to be exact), the chances that you have not heard of all of them are extremely high. You are bound to run into some really cool dog breeds while you are out and about walking around the neighborhood, park, beach or nature trails. Most dogs are objectively cute but the dogs on this list also have some special qualities that make them extra cool. It is also important to note that deciding this list was quite challenging and this list is by no means exhaustive. Afghan HoundThis...
Zen Frenz Has a Podcast?
cat talk cbd cbd for pets dog talk pet talk podcast podcast show zen frenz

Zen Frenz Has a Podcast? Yes. Yes. Yes. If you are not following ZenFrenz on Instagram and you don’t look into new podcasts often, then you may not know that Zen Frenz started a podcast a few weeks/over a month ago. If you are a pet owner or a pet lover then the podcast is definitely worth checking out! What is Zen Frenz? From the Zen Frenz mission statement, “Zen Frenz aims to be the future of pet wellness. We are dedicated to building a passionate community of pet owners who strive to bring themselves and their Frenz the best...