Zen Frenz Blog — fun facts
5 Fun Activities to do with Your Cat
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Here at Zen Frenz we aim to be the future of pet wellness while building a strong passionate community of pet owners who strive to bring themselves and their pets the best life possible. However, many forget that Cats are also a big part of our community. So we came up with 5 activities that anyone can do with their cat this summer to have some fun. Hunting Prey Indoor cats retain their innate hunting instincts, which is why a seemingly sleepy kitty may suddenly pounce on your foot or zoom after a dust bunny. One way to indulge her...
Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat
dog food dog foods dog talk dog training dog treats dogs faq fun facts pet talk pet training pet wellness tips training tips

Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat You are probably familiar with some foods that your dog can and can not eat, but you may be extremely surprised by some items that are toxic/not toxic for dogs. In the previous blog we went over a long but not comprehensive list of foods that are safe for your pups to eat. Now we will do the opposite and make a list of foods that are not safe for dogs to consume. Make sure to keep reading because a lot of these might surprise you! 1. Grapes and Raisins Grapes and raisins...
Eight Foods That Dogs Can Eat
dog food dog foods dog training dog treats dogs faq fun facts pet food pet talk pet training training training tips

While you are probably familiar with some foods that your dog can and can not eat, you may be extremely surprised by some items that are toxic/not toxic for dogs. Of course we all know that dogs can not eat chocolate and can eat peanut butter, but did you know they can eat sweet potatoes but not tomatoes? 1. Carrots: Can Eat Both raw and cooked carrots are safe for your dog to eat. Carrots have a lot of health benefits including many vitamins, fiber and low calories. Before giving carrots to your dog, make sure to cut them into...
Seven Surprising Stats: Spending in the Pet Industry
cats dogs fun facts pet business pet industry pet industry spending pet talk pet wellness

The Key Pet Industry Statistics in Review It’s estimated the US pet industry reached $99 billion in 2020. 61percent of US pet owners will pay more for foods to target pets’ dietary needs. Dog owners spend $73 a year on grooming. 21 percent of pet owners spent more money on pets during the Covid-19 pandemic. 31 percent of pet industry customers are Millennials. Cat and dog owners spend about $300 a year on pet food and treats. 12 percent of adults with kids under 18 adopted pets due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Over 50 percent of cat and dog owners...
6 Cool Dog Breeds You May Not Know
dog breed dog breeds dog talk dogs fun facts pet pet talk

With so many different dog breeds (339 officially recognized by the FCI to be exact), the chances that you have not heard of all of them are extremely high. You are bound to run into some really cool dog breeds while you are out and about walking around the neighborhood, park, beach or nature trails. Most dogs are objectively cute but the dogs on this list also have some special qualities that make them extra cool. It is also important to note that deciding this list was quite challenging and this list is by no means exhaustive. Afghan HoundThis...