Zen Frenz Blog — pet boarding
How to Stop Your Dog From Chewing Everything
calming chews calming supplements do's and don'ts dog training pet boarding pet training zen bites

One of the biggest challenges that any pet owner faces is preventing their pup from chewing up their belongings. Boredom, stress, and a lack of training can be some of the primary causes of this habit. From young puppies to stubborn old dogs, this is a common problem that claims the lives of many innocent goods. A fair warning for those with very young pups that have this problem: they may be teething and be chewing as a way to ease the pain of their teeth growing in. Here are a few tips and tricks to prevent this global...
Doggy Daycare During Summer Travel
boarding cat boarding dog boarding dog daycare doggie daycare pet boarding summer summer travel

As it stands it feels like the world is quickly on its way back to normal. Many people are projecting that come around mid to end June or early to mid-July 80% of adults in the United States are going to be fully vaccinated. Every day as more and more people are becoming vaccinated our chances of hitting herd immunity increase. Additionally, the FDA and United States government recently announced that more testing had been done and now anyone over the age of 12 was eligible to get vaccinated. Previously, only those 18 and up were eligible. As restrictions are...