Zen Frenz Blog — pet instagram
How to Start a TikTok for your Pet
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Here at Zen Frenz, we recently have started a TikTok account. We post tons of videos showcasing our products and community. And along the way, we’ve come across some tips and tricks that have helped a great deal. If you’re wondering why you should start a TikTok, let us push you in the right direction. Tiktok is the new app and social media. Many refer to it as "the new vine" but Tik Tok is taking it to the next levels with their video editing capabilities and license to 15 seconds for millions of songs. With over 1 billion users...
How To Expand Your Network of Pet Frenz
cat community cat instagram community dog community dog instagram instagram pet community pet instagram social media

Currently, it feels like the world is quickly on its way back to normal. Many people are projecting that come around mid to end June or early to mid-July 80% of adults in the United States are going to be fully vaccinated. Every day as more and more people are becoming vaccinated our chances of hitting herd immunity increase. Additionally, the FDA and United States government recently announced that more testing had been done and now anyone over the age of 12 was eligible to get vaccinated. Previously, only those 18 and up were eligible. For over a year many...
How to Become a Dog Influencer
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Ever wanted to be famous? Or maybe the celebrity life isn’t for you but you wanted a taste? Then perhaps helping your dog become an influencer might be the route for you! The reach and scope of social media is only increasing, these days it seems like anyone and everyone can get famous on social media. Sadly in reality becoming famous takes more work than simply making an Instagram or Tik Tok profile. While there are no cheat codes to becoming a viral sensation, there are a couple of tips to help build your pet’s brand as an influencer. Stay...