Zen Frenz Blog — dog foods
4 Summer Treats for Your Dog!
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All of us love to turn to our favorite cool snacks, popsicles and ice cream, to help us deal with being outdoors during the hottest months of the year. One of the biggest issues many pet owners face during the summer is keeping their furry friend cool in the heat. Here are some cool new ideas to try this year: Fruit and Yogurt Freezes Ingredients: 1 cup of Fruit (berries, apple, melon, pineapple, banana, no grapes) 1 cup Greek or plain yogurt Method: Clean and prep fruit – dice fruit to small pieces that will fit into...
7 Human Foods That Dogs Can Eat Safely
appetite stimulant appetite support dog dog foods dog treats faq treats

Dogs are pets that always beg for human food. They will even go the extra mile to climb on the table or even on the owner to get a bit of their food. Dogs do not know what’s good or bad for them regarding human food, so it’s up to you to figure out what’s okay to leave out in case they jump and grab the food themselves! But do you know which ones are safe to give to them? These are some human foods that you might not know that are safe to give to your dog! ...
Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat
dog food dog foods dog talk dog training dog treats dogs faq fun facts pet talk pet training pet wellness tips training tips

Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat You are probably familiar with some foods that your dog can and can not eat, but you may be extremely surprised by some items that are toxic/not toxic for dogs. In the previous blog we went over a long but not comprehensive list of foods that are safe for your pups to eat. Now we will do the opposite and make a list of foods that are not safe for dogs to consume. Make sure to keep reading because a lot of these might surprise you! 1. Grapes and Raisins Grapes and raisins...
Eight Foods That Dogs Can Eat
dog food dog foods dog training dog treats dogs faq fun facts pet food pet talk pet training training training tips

While you are probably familiar with some foods that your dog can and can not eat, you may be extremely surprised by some items that are toxic/not toxic for dogs. Of course we all know that dogs can not eat chocolate and can eat peanut butter, but did you know they can eat sweet potatoes but not tomatoes? 1. Carrots: Can Eat Both raw and cooked carrots are safe for your dog to eat. Carrots have a lot of health benefits including many vitamins, fiber and low calories. Before giving carrots to your dog, make sure to cut them into...