Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat

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Nine Foods That Your Dogs Can’t Eat

You are probably familiar with some foods that your dog can and can not eat, but you may be extremely surprised by some items that are toxic/not toxic for dogs. In the previous blog we went over a long but not comprehensive list of foods that are safe for your pups to eat. Now we will do the opposite and make a list of foods that are not safe for dogs to consume. Make sure to keep reading because a lot of these might surprise you! 

1. Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins contain toxic compounds that are harmful to dogs, they even have the potential to lead to rapid kidney failure and death. Be extra careful because even small amounts of grapes and raisins can make your dog sick, so it’s important to avoid giving them altogether.

2. Chocolate 

I’m sure we’ve all heard this one before. 

3. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are harmful because they contain an unknown toxin that may lead to vomiting, muscle weakness, hyperthermia and depression when dogs consume them, even in small doses. Also, they have a high fat content, which may elevate your dog’s triglyceride levels and potentially lead to pancreatitis.

4. Onions says, “You should never feed your dog onions. Onions contain N-propyl disulfide, a compound that is toxic to dogs. It can damage your dog’s red blood cells, reducing their ability to carry oxygen through the body. This often results in a condition called anemia  Anemia in dogs is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including lethargy, weakness, decreased appetite and fainting. In severe cases, dogs with anemia may need a blood transfusion  It is important to note that all components and forms of onions are toxic to dogs, even the leaves, juice and processed powders, such as onion powder.”

5. Avocado

Avocados should never be consumed by dogs because they contain a toxin called persin, which is known to be very toxic to dogs. It may lead to fluid accumulation in their lungs and chest, which can result in breathing difficulties, oxygen deprivation and even death. Additionally, persin is found in all parts of the avocado, including the fruit, pit, leaves and bark. 

6. Coffee and Tea

Caffeine is bad for dogs because it stimulates their nervous system, which can lead to a number of issues, including hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated heart rate, seizures and tremors. Too much caffeine can also result in lung failure and abnormal heart rhythm, which can ultimately lead to death. 

7. Garlic

Garlic is not dog friendly because it contains chemicals called thiosulfates, which are toxic to dogs. Thiosulfates may damage your dog’s red blood cells and lead to anemia. Eating garlic could also lead to symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea in dogs 

8. Xylitol

Xylitol is a sugar replacement found in gum, candy, baked goods and toothpaste. It is not safe for dogs because when they consume it, it can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar levels and symptoms like seizures and muscle weakness. 

9. Alcohol

This should be relatively obvious, but you should never give your dog alcohol to consume, even small amounts can lead to ethanol poisoning in dogs. Ethanol poisoning can cause tiredness, vomiting, seizures, and diarrhea. Large amounts of alcohol have more severe symptoms such as lung failure, heart attack, coma and death. This is true for anything containing alcohol such as common cleaning supplies, not just liquor. 

*Information taken from 

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