Zen Frenz Blog — cat community
How To Expand Your Network of Pet Frenz
cat community cat instagram community dog community dog instagram instagram pet community pet instagram social media

Currently, it feels like the world is quickly on its way back to normal. Many people are projecting that come around mid to end June or early to mid-July 80% of adults in the United States are going to be fully vaccinated. Every day as more and more people are becoming vaccinated our chances of hitting herd immunity increase. Additionally, the FDA and United States government recently announced that more testing had been done and now anyone over the age of 12 was eligible to get vaccinated. Previously, only those 18 and up were eligible. For over a year many...
CBD For Picky Cats
cat community cat talk cbd for cats cbd oil for cats picky eater picky eaters

While it has become more common to see dogs on the face of pet CBD ads, that is not because the products are unsafe for cats. Pet CBD products are perfectly safe for cats and for dogs! Additionally, there are tons of cat owners who already use CBD on their cats and have loved the results. While many dog owners use CBD to help their crazy dogs stay calm, many cat owners tend to use pet CBD for anxiety. Although pet CBD is equally effective for both!! In case you are not overly familiar with CBD and its uses for...
Community of Passionate Pet Owners
cat community community dog community pet community zen frenz

You may have heard us talking about building a community of passionate pet owners, but with no other context or definition you might be a little confused as to what that really means. In order to help explain what this means, it is important to familiarize yourself with our mission statement, “Zen Frenz aims to be the future of pet wellness. We are dedicated to building a community of passionate pet owners who strive to bring themselves their Frenz the best lives possible.” Zen Frenz aims to be more than just another pet brand, Zen Frenz aims to be more...