Zen Frenz Blog — picky eater
A Fourth of July Schedule for your Pets!
anxiety cbd dog treats cbd oil for pets pet wellness picky eater summer events zen bites zen drops

Fourth of July is coming around and this is an anxious time for your pets. Below is a schedule you can follow to help your pet get through the day! Wake up and feed them good! Every morning dogs love to feel the love from their owners! Especially on a day like the 4th, they need more comfort than usual. Show them this love and comfort by waking up, being with them, and give them a yummy, filling breakfast! Lots of dogs get so nervous and night during the fireworks that they might not want to eat later in...
CBD For Picky Cats
cat community cat talk cbd for cats cbd oil for cats picky eater picky eaters

While it has become more common to see dogs on the face of pet CBD ads, that is not because the products are unsafe for cats. Pet CBD products are perfectly safe for cats and for dogs! Additionally, there are tons of cat owners who already use CBD on their cats and have loved the results. While many dog owners use CBD to help their crazy dogs stay calm, many cat owners tend to use pet CBD for anxiety. Although pet CBD is equally effective for both!! In case you are not overly familiar with CBD and its uses for...
Pet Wellness For Picky Eaters
appetite stimulant appetite support cbd for pets cbd oil for cats cbd oil for dogs cbd oil for pets picky eater picky eaters

Is your pet a picky eater? Do you think your pet would benefit from pet wellness products, but can’t get them to even give them a try? This is a problem that many pet owners are facing these days. While you want to give your pet the best food, treats, and supplements, if they refuse to eat them then it’s hard to justify buying them. Maybe your pet struggles with high levels of anxiety. Or maybe your pet struggles with travel. Or maybe your pet is apprehensive about doggy daycare. Whatever the situation may be we know that all you...