Zen Frenz Blog

The Ultimate Guide to Pet Photography

The Ultimate Guide to Pet Photography

An essential part of everyone’s holiday experience is the surge of photo-taking that takes place during these festive months. From Halloween costume photos, to Thanksgiving family photos, to that one perfect family photo for your Christmas cards. This is truly the season for our smiles to shine through. Here at Zen Frenz, we believe that our pets deserve their very own spot in all our holiday photos. But this isn’t always an easy task, especially for our furry friends who find it hard to stay still in front of the camera. Despite how cute our pets may be in our...

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4 Tips for Spending a Budget-Friendly Halloween with Your Pet

4 Tips for Spending a Budget-Friendly Halloween with Your Pet

Halloween is just around the corner. And if you’re just like us, then you’re probably restless with excitement to dress up your beloved pet and spend this spooktastic holiday showering them with fun treats. However, it’s no secret that spoiling our furry frenz tends to end with a pretty hefty bill. Don’t you worry, because we’re giving out some tips and tricks to help make this Halloween budget-friendly. This year, our team has been working on our annual costume contest, which we hope will turn out some awesome costumes from our Zen Frenz community. Here are some budget-friendly tips for...

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Introducing our New Zen Drops Series

Introducing our New Zen Drops Series

September is finally here! That means a new season, new climate, and *drumroll* new Zen Frenz products! Introducing our new Zen Drops Series, which includes our Cat Drops, Calm Drops, Mobility Drops, and Immunity Drops. Here is some further information regarding each of the new drops!  Cats:  We are so excited to finally release our new Cat Drops! They are our first product to be formulated specifically for cats! A few unique factors include palatability: the liquid is flavorless and it's easier for a cat to take it. The formula is for calming support and appetite support as cats can be picky...

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How often should you give your dog a bath?

How often should you give your dog a bath?

Baths are important to keep your dog properly groomed. If you are a new dog owner, one of your concerns might be how often you should be giving your dog a bath. It can be difficult to be able to determine this and requires a lot of observation and research. On average, most dog owners give their pet a bath once a month, but it does vary depending on the dog What should you be looking for?  Though the average is once a month, your dog may be different. The most important thing to look at is your dog’s breed...

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How to Fly with Your Pets

How to Fly with Your Pets

With summertime ending, many people are wrapping up their summer vacation with some travel. If you are traveling with your pet, it is essential to be prepared so your pet will be safe. Here are some steps to follow to ensure a smooth journey. 1) Research City Entry Requirements  It is important to check any requirements that the city you are traveling to has. There may be extra requirements, especially for international cities, so make sure to do your research and see what the requirements are, and have a plan to complete them. Even to reenter the United States, there...

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