Zen Frenz Blog

Pet Podcasts To Listen To

cat talk dog talk pet podcast podcast podcast show

Pet Podcasts To Listen To

Zen Frenz  The podcast is hosted by Zen Frenz founder Alex Gray and each week he invites a pet owner/pet Instagram account to come on the show and interviews them on their experience as a pet owner. For example, the first episode featured Emily McCormick, the owner of two huskies, Halo and Khaleesi from Bad Axe, Michigan. The podcast is especially enticing because the stories are so diverse. Some episodes make you want to cry as you hear about the awful conditions in which pet owners found their pets, while others highlight hilarious times spent with their pups. Also, you...

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Zen Frenz Calming Chews for Pets

calming chews calming supplements L-Theanine L-Tryptophan Organic Ginger Root Powder zen bites

Zen Frenz Calming Chews for Pets

Do you have a crazy pet at home who just can’t seem to calm down? Need to do work but can’t focus with your pup running laps around your office? As much as we love our pets, they are not always perfect. Sometimes having a lot of energy is fun, but other times it can be extremely distracting and make getting other things done nearly impossible. If you find yourself in this position we suggest you consider trying the Zen Frenz Calming Chews. The Calming Chews feature four unique ingredients, all with calming benefits, and these ingredients aren’t seen in...

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Traveling With CBD Products

cbd for travel summer travel travel traveling with cbd products traveling with pets

Traveling With CBD Products

Nervous about traveling with CBD? Unsure about the laws and regulations surrounding CBD? Considering how new CBD is on the market and its close association with marijuana products it is easy to see how traveling with CBD might make you nervous. So hopefully we can clear up all of your questions and alleviate your concerns! Can you fly with CBD? Yes! You can fly with CBD products, they are federally legal and therefore can safely pass through airport security. ‘“Consumers can consider traveling with CBD products to be the same as traveling with any other over-the-counter supplements,” says Joshua Bauchner,...

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How To Teach Your Dog How To Swim

activities cat swimming dog swimming pet swimming summer activities swim swimming

How To Teach Your Dog How To Swim

As the weather gets warmer many people are starting to plan trips to the beach/river or have pool days at home. While hanging out by the water is super fun, it can also be very dangerous. No one is born able to immediately swim, and just as we sign our kids up for swim lessons, our dogs also often need some coaching. While some breeds are natural-born swimmers (like golden retrievers), many other breeds are much less suited for swimming.  Safety First! Regardless of breed, all dogs should wear a life jacket when they are first learning how to swim....

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The Do’s and Don’ts of The Dog Park

do's and don'ts dog park dog parks faq socializing training tips

The Do’s and Don’ts of The Dog Park

As the weather improves and restrictions are lifted, more and more pet owners are returning to their local dog parks. While dog parks are a great place for your dog to socialize and exercise, they only function when all pets and owners follow some basic rules so that everyone can continue to enjoy them. Refusing to follow some basic rules has the potential to ruin the experience for everyone involved.  DO: Basic training It is important before taking your dog to the dog park that they are comfortable with a few basic commands. For example, they need to know their...

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