The New Year Should Not Be Frightening For Your Dog (Despite the Fireworks)

While July 4th is known for its fireworks, so is the New Year, especially as we finally exit 2020. But 2021 is nothing to be afraid of after going through 2020, and your furry best friend should not be afraid on this day either. But, the loud noises may make them anxious or terrify them so much they might try to run away. This is often due to their genetic makeup since some breeds are much more sensitive to noise than other breeds. Your dog may also simply be more afraid of fireworks which is totally okay. You just want to make sure you are helping them get through the night as anxiety free as possible! Here are our top five tips to dealing with the noise and celebration the holiday season is bound to bring about.

Establish a Calming Routine

All good calming routines will have something in common. You need that one home run product that will help your dog during super stressful situations like loud fireworks. You can find this in a good CBD oil for dogs. This can also be used for more stressful situations than New Year’s fireworks. Situations can include thunderstorms, car rides, meeting other people or dogs, the vet, the groomers. You get it; the list is never ending. 

Create a Tasty Distraction

You know what makes a calming home run product even better? When it is super tasty! You can use CBD dog treats to give your dog a tasty distraction or you can try your hand at baking. You can put CBD oil for dogs in a homemade treat. This will be a distraction from the fireworks that your dog will welcome with all four paws.

Have a Welcome Distraction

Fireworks may be the worst for your dog, but a new toy is definitely going to keep your dog distracted as the New Year is brought in loudly. A normal old toy may not get the job done but when your dog is presented with a brand new toy. They can direct their focus on breaking in their toy rather than the noise outside. 

Give a Cozy Hug

Your dog may just need the comfort of a warm snug hug. You probably do not have all the time in the world to be cuddling your dog while trying to celebrate the New Year. You will want to provide your dog with a dog blanket that acts as a human weighted blanket. It will give your dog some comforting pressure 30 minutes at a time. 

Prepare a Game Plan

The most important advice to keep in mind is to ensure you are prepared and plan ahead for a stressful situation. You can speak to your vet beforehand to make sure you are prepared to make sure your pet is well taken care of. Make sure you are attentive of them and keep them close by. The most important thing here is that you care about not only your dog’s physical health but also their mental health which can cause them lots of issues.

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