How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking at Delivery People

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Spending time at home has resulted in more visitors at the door, whether it’s a grocery delivery, Amazon dropping off a package or takeout being delivered. Being isolated at home means your dog gets less socialization opportunities, which results in less exposure to new people. While barking is a form of communication for your pup, it can become disruptive and can make those on the other side of the door uncomfortable. Check out these tips to help your cooped-up dog and keep things calm at your front door.

1. Reward the Quiet

When a dog senses a presence at your door, they view it as an intruder and immediately want to notify you. Teach your pup that they don’t have to bark every time someone is at the front door. When they stop barking, reward them with their favorite snack and praise them for being a good dog. This teaches them that not barking gets them a special treat. Consistency is key, so be sure to reinforce this behavior whether it’s you, your kids or roommate answering the door.

2. Occupy their Attention

Redirect your dog’s attention away from the person at the door. Does your pup have a favorite toy? Keep it close by so that you can ask him or her to get it, not only to preoccupy their attention, but inhibit them from barking. Teach your pup to react to the stimuli by focusing on another action such as lying down on their bed. Do this by putting a treat on their bed and saying, “go to your bed.” Once your dog responds to this, try opening the door while he or she is laying on the bed, but if they get up, shut the door immediately. Continue until they stop reacting to the door being opened. Next thing you know, your dog will be a calm greeter.

3. Tire them Out

A tired dog is a good and happy dog! Ensure your pup is getting enough physical exercise and mental stimulation each day. This will result in less barking out of boredom, frustration or pent up energy. The amount of activity he or she needs will depend on their breed, size, age and health. Are you overwhelmed at the thought of providing your dog with the proper amount of activity they need while you’re working from home or balancing a busy schedule? Another way to keep your pups calm is with some CBD drops and treats! Zen Frenz has all types of products that can solve this very problem. They’re most well known for their Zen Drops and Zen Bites which are super easy to use and effective. Likewise, if you want to treat your dogs even more, then you should try Zen Frenz Peanut Butter which is a delicious snack that will keep them calm at the same time.

Works Cited

“Tips to Stop Your Dog from Barking At Delivery People.” Dogtopia, 22 Feb. 2021,

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