Is it time to get your pup a sibling?

Getting another pup to keep your current dog company or to please your partner or kids wishes to have two furry best friends may seem like a great idea, but there are many considerations you need to analyze. Go through these 9 potential issues before committing.

1. Can you spend more money?

If your finances are tight or you are saving for something, spending money on caring for a new dog may not be in the books for you at the moment. All your current expenses would essentially be doubled, so don’t bite the bullet if you aren’t ready to. 

2. Will your first dog be okay with this?

If your dog doesn’t really like other dogs and is more of a people person, getting another dog would be selfish and could create problems. Older dogs may not appreciate an energetic puppy ruining their established routine and peace! You just need to be honest with yourself about if your dog would appreciate having another dog around who would be taking your attention away. 

3. Can you spend the time?

If you are constantly working and there won’t be anyone to take care and monitor your new dog, a new dog might not help. If you are hoping to keep your first dog company when you are gone, you will still need to have some time for training up front. If your current dog has separation anxiety, a new dog might also develop anxiety rather than take your current dog’s anxiety away. However, CBD oil for dogs could help with your dog’s anxiety separation. 

4. Are you sure of your future?

If you are planning on making big life changes soon, getting a new dog might not be right for you or for the dog since you might not have the time, space, energy, or money to care for your new dog. Life changes can obviously happen alongside your new dog but you can’t just get rid of your new dog when things get hectic. 

5. Do you have the space?

When having a kid or another kid, you have to think about if they’ll have space. You have to have the same considerations for a pup. Will there be enough space in your living space and your yard, if you have one?

6. Are you ready for the mess?

If you get frustrated cleaning after your current dog’s shedding, potty accidents, or mud and dirt tracks, another dog doing the same might not be right for your peace of mind. 

7. Are you ready to train all over again?

If you are getting a puppy or an untrained older dog, you will have to consider the time, effort, and patience it will take to train this new dog while potentially having to handle your other dog interfering. 

8. Can you handle the potential noise?

If your current dog loves to bark and you hate it, consider curtailing your dog’s barking habit before bringing in another dog who could learn the same behavior and make your home headache-ville.

9. Are you planning on traveling?

While this question may not be a huge consideration due to the pandemic, this is something to consider for the future. If you and your family are frequent travelers, you will have to consider car space for two dogs if you are going on a trip with your dogs. If you are not taking them with you, you will have to think about if your sitter will be willing to take care of two dogs and the associated increased costs or the increased costs at a boarding facility.

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